For the 158th week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on another influential individual from the PNW. Priscilla Perez, the owner of AGABI Juice, left a corporate career to make juice after personally discovering its benefits and expanding into sales.

4EVRGRN: Hey, PP! Tell us a little about yourselves.

What is your most popular juice?

PP: My most popular juice is my “greens” version called Glow. The ingredients in Glow are - parsley, spinach, lemon, apple & ginger.

This is a career change for you, why juice?

PP: Great question. Prior to me walking away from my 14 year career. I went through a series of trials and tribulations which caused a sever eczema attack. My eczema attack was so severe. I would have to take time off of work, because my hands were in so much pain, I couldn’t use them. One day, my co-manager at the time asked me if I heard of celery juice which helps in reducing inflammation for eczema. I started doing my own personal research, started juicing with celery juice and kept persistent until results started appearing. Others then started requesting juice, so I would deliver for free as my good deed. One day one of my friends brought up investing in a juice business with me. I converted what already was in the rhythm then to an official juice business.

Favorite place to enjoy a juice in the PNW?

PP: My favorite place is the Ruston Way Waterfront. I have so many places that I go to and sit in silence and really center myself at.

4. What is the most common question (and its answer) you get about juicing/cleanses?

PP: The most common question is, “what is it?” Lol and for those who know of fresh pressed juice, their question is - “what are the grams of sugars?"

Favorite local product?

PP: Handmade skin care products from Astana Health & Beauty. Made with gentle care and love.

What is one thing everyone who visits the PNW should do?

PP: Visit the Farmers Market on Ruston Way.


Have you ever tried a juice combination you ended up regretting (tasted bad)?

PP: Absolutely lol. In the beginning of my journey I had no set recipes. I would put a whole bunch of ingredients in a juice and hope for the best. People would run lol.