alexander sylvester

For the 47th week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on a PNW a director/producer/artist working out of the greater Seattle area. Ever since his adolescence, Alex has had a love for visual art and the language embedded within it. Aiming to always find a balance between expressive and engaging material, his films focus on the relationship between our internal and external worlds and how they clash in times of crisis, struggle or trauma.

Founder of Fresh Cup Films, Alex Sylvester has directed 7 short films and produced 10+ films, and has attended a handful of local and international film festivals. This is Alexander Sylvester! 

4EVRGRN: Hey AS, tell us a little about yourself.

AS: I am a PNW artist and filmmaker with 10 years of industry experience, with a focus on Directing/Producing. My short film collection will be available online later this year via partnership with grassroots arts community

Here's How Alexander answered our 7 questions... 

4EG: What makes the PNW unique? 

AS: The Pacific Northwest (Washington especially) is a truly unique part of our country since it offers so many different types of biomes/landscapes as well as mixtures of cultures. I love that I can choose between disappearing into the rainforest or trekking through the desert in only a two hour drive from my house. 

4EG: Where’s your favorite escape in the PNW? 

AS: My favorite escape in the PNW is, without question, The Olympic Rainforest out west. I try to get out there a few times a year. There's an abundance of beautiful scenery and great hiking/camping spots throughout. I find the atmosphere out there incredibly inspiring for creating art, and makes for a nice spot to hit the reset switch on the brain. 

4EG: Best meal in the PNW? 

AS: I can't really say that I can speak for a best meal in the PNW, but that's because we have such an abundance of great food to choose from that I can't really trim it down to just one. In the the greater Seattle area especially, we can find so much good food around us from all over the world that it's hard to choose. 

4EG: What’s the one thing anyone who visits must see or do? 

AS: Echoing my previous sentiment, the Olympic Rainforest is a sight to behold and one of the most refreshing places around. If I had to pick just one spot in that area though, it would have to be the Sol Duc hot springs. Great camping grounds and scenery combined with natural hot springs is hard to beat. 

4EG: What do you miss most when you’re outside the PNW? 

AS: The fairly mild, albeit consistently fluctuating, weather. I'm on the weird ones that loves how erratic our weather can be, and I'm a big fan of the regularly overcast skies. So when I'm away, I find myself missing our general atmosphere. 

4EG: Favorite PNW activity? 

AS: It's a solid tie between hiking and visiting one of my many favourite coffee shops that surrounds my home. 

4EG: Best local product? 

AS: In the whole PNW, I would say my favourite product is just about anything that Deschutes Brewery in Oregon puts out. Especially their Black Butte Porter. 

Wanna know more about Alexander?  You can find him through his Instagram or his website!