Allison Stewart Bishins for Happy Fox Studio

For the 46th week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on a local owned custom/reclaimed/second hand jewelry company. They have a great product and view on reusing materials. This is Allison Stewart Bishins for Happy Fox Studio

4EVRGRN: Hey ASB, tell us a little about yourself and Happy Fox Studio.

ASB: Happy fox studio is based in Tacoma, WA. All of our products are hand made, hand bent and most are one of a kind!  the majority of our materials are reclaimed or secondhand - we love reusing materials because it reduces our community waste and shows people that eco-friendly jewelry can be chic and minimalist. 

I'm a big cheerleader for local business, and Tacoma has such an amazing variety of small and micro businesses.  My family - husband, 2 kids and 2 dogs - love to go to Proctor Farmer's Market, the Hood Canal and Tacoma beaches.  We garden every summer and expanded our beds this year by 100% - here's hoping everything grows!  I'm also the owner of Allison Bishins Consulting, where I train businesses how to use social media marketing, lean into their local community, and be purposeful in their work.

Here's How Allison answered our 7 questions... 

4EG: Favorite PNW activity? 

ASB: Looking for whales at the beach - I've seen orcas, minke, and humpbacks in Tacoma plus grey whales on the ferry to Canada!

4EG: Best local product? 

ASB: Local art - there are so many incredible artists in Tacoma and the PNW.

4EG: Favorite local artist (Music/Painter? 

ASB: Kristen Bee Hernandez

4EG: Best PNW childhood memory? 

ASB: When I was a teenager I visited Seattle and though it was just the funkiest, coolest place. It helped that my uber cool, public radio DJ aunt took me to the fanciest sushi place I'd ever been to.

4EG: Favorite PNW season? 

ASB: Fall, for sure! I love sweatshirt weather.

4EG: Wildest PNW experience? 

ASB: A kid's birthday party in the woods, in 40 degree, rainy weather, where everyone miserably sipped coffee and ate donuts.

4EG: Best misconception you’ve heard about the PNW? 

ASB: That it's always raining here - that's not true at all!

Wanna know more about Happy Fox Studio? They can be found on Etsy (, Facebook ( and Instagram @happyfoxstudiojewelry Through the end of May, they're donating 10% of purchase on their Etsy website to Food 253, a food security organization in Tacoma.