For the 22nd week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on a woman who is creating an positive birthing experience Andrea Vaughn @birthingabundance

4EVRGRN: Hey Andrea, tell us a little about yourselves.

AV: I’m originally from Oregon but now live in Washington. Recently, I changed careers and have opened my own Doula services with an emphasis on helping women of color have a positive pregnancy and delivery experience. I am a mother myself and enjoy raising my boys in the PNW!

Here's how Andrea answered our 7 questions...

4EG: Best PNW childhood memory? 

AV: My best PNW childhood memory is going on weekend drives up to Mt Hood (I’m from Oregon) with friends and exploring places like Frog Lake. Being in the mountains in the morning and heading to the coast the next day.

4EG: Favorite PNW season?  

AV: Fall! Love the cooler weather and pulling out the layers. 

4EG: Wildest PNW experience? 

AV: I don’t know about wildest but my favorite is riding a ferry for the first time in my life with my 2 boys when they were little. It wasn’t part of my life because I lived in Oregon and we don’t have ferries but they have grown up riding them. It’s was exciting to do something for the first time in my life with them.

4EG: Best misconception you’ve heard about the PNW?  

AV: Everyone drinks Starbucks! 

4EG: One thing you want the world to know about the PNW?  

AV: There are a lot of TRUE Eagles fans here 

4EG: Favorite random PNW fact?  

AV: There is no such thing as a SEAHAWK and Portland was almost named Boston ( it was decided with a coin toss)

4EG: One thing every PNWer does that you refuse to do?  

AV: It USED to be wear Birkenstock’s (with or without socks) recently I started doing that too so I’m not sure.

Looking for the right person to help you have a positive experience? You can reach out to Andrea via email or phone, 541.647.3803.