For the 195th week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on another influential individual from the PNW. Our Marketing Manager, Liz Benavidez, has started a social media solutions company, BenAvid Media! We’re celebrating with a 7QS and all the great work she’s done right here at 4Evrgrn.

4EVRGRN: Hey, BAM! Tell us a little about yourselves.

BAM: Hey everyone, I’m Liz, you probably already know from 4Evrgrn and this phenomenal series 7 Question Sunday. I’m a Tacoma girl, born and raised. I got my start with using social media back when it was just the internet and then MySpace. I love supporting small businesses and finding new local products and services here in the PNW. Through BenAvid Media Solutions I offer social media management, consulting, and coaching. I love working with small businesses and public figures. My background includes working with bands, influences, athletes, and gyms, as well as brands and brand ambassador programs. You can follow my socials to be updated on upcoming events, seminars, and presentations.

What is something every small business owner should do with their social media?

BAM: Post your location! It’s a big pet peeve of mine. How do potential customers know if they can utilize you if they don’t know where you are? I’ve run into this a lot with 7 Question Sunday features, I don’t send the DM if I can’t tell quickly if you’re actually in the PNW. Don’t limit yourself even if you’re a remote service. Keep yourself safe, I’m not saying post your address, but the state or regional nickname helps a lot!

Why is social media so important for small business?

BAM: I always say social media is the new word of mouth. People don’t have to just take someone’s word anymore they can see their friends and people they follow shopping, eating, and reviewing in real time. If you’re not on social media, you’re not being talked about. It doesn’t take a million-dollar marketing budget to maximize impact online. Posting consistently and sharing those behind-the-scenes stories helps people get to know you before they even come into your shop or order from you.

We’re fans of your dog; does he love being a public figure?

BAM: NO! He hates it. He’ll be so cute then the camera comes out and his inner gremlin is released. It’s helpful for me though because the algorithm and apps are always changing so Amo (@lifeasamo) gets to be my tester. If I mess up on his socials, no biggie, but that’s valuable training and knowledge that benefits my clients.

What is a mistake you see people making with social media?

BAM: All the time I hear people say they don’t know how to make things perfect. Good! Perfect is outdated on social media, people want real, and they want to create and feel a connection with who they are following. Being yourself NEVER goes out of style. People can tell if you’re being genuine, and they relate to that. Save perfect for big brands and celebrities who have teams to create that aesthetic. I’ve had people come up to me off the street and say they recognized me from Instagram, and they love how open and honest I am about my health journey and feel like they know me. It’s the biggest compliment because I never want to be boxed in playing a character of myself. Don’t do that to yourself or your business, it is what will help you find your target audiences and future customers.

What advice do you have for anyone working in the social media realm or wanting to?

BAM: Be a constant student. If you are a social media manager or coach, find events, online or in person, and always be learning more about your craft. Social media is huge, there is always something to learn or learn a new way to do an old thing. It’s a big benefit to your clients and will separate you from others doing the same thing. Same with people who have employees who have social media as part of their job. Invest in their education so they can best serve your social media needs. Send them to seminars or web events and pay to keep them fresh on the latest behind-the-scenes aspects. If you are going to hire someone to do social media for you, ask what they do for continuing education.

Does social media get a fair reputation for being negative or causing drama?

BAM: Absolutely. I always advise clients it’s how you use it and engage with it. You must have filters the same way you would in your personal life. Social media can be a great tool, but it does have negative aspects. Don’t engage in hateful comments, never feel bad about using the report or block buttons. There’s always going to be people using social media with bad intentions, but you don’t have to buy into that. If it’s too much for you, that’s ok, consider hiring a social media manager so you can get the benefit without the stress.

Beyond social media education, what do you use social media for?

BAM: My personal accounts (@flylizfly) focus on my health journey and medical advocacy. I have some rare conditions like Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (cancer), Addison’s Disease (adrenal insufficiency), Arginine Vasopressin Deficiency, and pan-hypopituitarism. I also have chronic conditions like PCOS, Endometriosis, Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Hypothyroidism as well as mental health conditions. Social media allows me to be an advocate as well as find support and build community with people who are going through the same things. It’s been very powerful for me; I couldn’t imagine going through all of that without it.

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