Elisabeth johnson

For the 26th week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on another one of our founders and co owner of 4EVRGRN. She's a mother, a wife and an all around badass, this is Elisabeth Johnson!

4EVRGRN: Hey Elisabeth, tell us a little about yourself.

EJ: I was born at Renton valley general and grew up in north east Tacoma. My whole family is from Washington!! My great great grand father was born at his home on first hill back in 1858 and his grand father had one of the first barber shops down town. My day job is a dental assistant which makes a lot of people cringe but after 15 years I have almost seen it all. My passion is photography! I love taking pictures and I live in such a diverse area I never get the same photo twice! I am also one of the owners of this lovely little company 4EVRGRN and I’m thankful to take pictures of the wonderful people who support the brand along with the merch!

Here's How Elisabeth answered our 7 questions... 

4EG: Best meal in the PNW?  

EJ: I love a good burger and there’s so many great little burger joints around! Frisko freeze, pick quick, Don’s, frugals, red mill.. the list goes on and on.

4EG: What’s the one thing anyone who visits must see or do? 

EJ: If you have time, see the ocean! It’s so strong and calming! As long as I have water near by I’m happy!

4EG: What do you miss most when you’re outside the PNW? 

EJ: When I’m out of town I miss our giant evergreen trees.

4EG: Favorite PNW activity? 

EJ: My fav activity would be getting lost in the woods with my camera! Along with wine tasting at so many great wineries!

4EG: Wildest PNW experience? 

EJ: Cap hill at night is always a wild PNW experience! 

4EG: Best misconception you’ve heard about the PNW? 

EJ: I love how people think it’s always grey and gloomy, (it’s my favorite time )but we are blessed to have some wonderful summers!

4EG: One thing you want the world to know about the PNW? 

EJ: Everyone should come visit at least once!! I guarantee there is something you have never seen before!!

Thank you to Elisabeth for sharing with us today. Want to see more of her photography? Take a look at her instagram @elisabethjohnson001or take a look at the 4EVRGRN gear and see :)