Jade Adair

For the 50th week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on an individual who loves working with people and may be your next real estate agent, this is Jade Adair!

4EVRGRN: Hey JA, tell us a little about yourself.

JA: My name is Jade Adair, I am a full time real estate agent working with Haven Real Estate Group and living in Spokane Washington. Coming from the non-profit sector, I am naturally drawn to helping people. i have chosen to use this knowledge and experience to leverage my opportunities in this field of work.

Here's How Jade answered our 7 questions... 

4EG: What makes the PNW unique? 

JA: The pacific northwest is unique in its diversity of people and having so much to offer in every corner of the state. From east to west, north to south, there are always new and exciting people to meet and places to see!

4EG: Where’s your favorite escape in the PNW? 

JA: Currently my favorite escape happens to be riverfront park in Spokane. The Spokane waterfalls here are both overwhelmingly massive and beautiful.

4EG: Best meal in the PNW? 

JA: One place you've got to check out if you come to Spokane is Clover. They hands down have the best steaks, lamb chops, and service in the city!

4EG: What’s the one thing anyone who visits must see or do? 

JA: It's kind of a cliche, but I definitely think Pike Place is worth seeing if you end up in Seattle. There is so much to see in such a small space, you really wouldn't want to miss it.

4EG: What do you miss most when you’re outside the PNW? 

JA: Whenever I go out of state, I always miss the "freshness" of the PNW. It rains here a lot but we've got the cleanest air and most refreshing greenery of anywhere around. This will definitely be the last place I lay my head to rest.

4EG: Favorite PNW activity? 

JA: Fishing! No surprise that the PNW is surrounded by water, there's no getting away from it, and why would you want to? If you're into any sort of water sports or activities, PNW is the place to be.

4EG: Best local product? 

JA: Not sure about product, but the best local chapstick by far is Burt's Bees, I never go anywhere without it. All natural beeswax will have your lips feelin' silky smooth.

Wanna know more about Jade and may be in the market for a home in the Spokane area? You can find her through Instagram