Jamie Carlson

For the 31st week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on another influential individual from the PNW. He's a culinary instructor, Photographer/Videographer and PNW adventurer from British Columbia. This is Jamie Carlson.

4EVRGRN: Hey Jamie, tell us a little about yourself.

JC: My name is Jamie Carlson, I am a Culinary Arts Instructor from Vancouver Island, British Columbia. I teach at a local high school and am also very passionate about photography and hiking! Currently I’m in the process of building a portfolio and a following on Instagram and am working on a few lifestyle outdoor videos focused on exploring the PNW. I love the outdoors and trying new foods and beers!

4EG: Best meal in the PNW? 

JC: Best meal in the PNW has to be anything from Il Terazzo. It’s a hidden gem in Victoria that serves up some of the best Italian dishes I’ve ever tasted. Definitely a must if your in the Capital of British Columbia. 

4EG: What’s the one thing anyone who visits must see or do? 

JC: One thing you must do which is a given, is to explore some trails and spend some time in the forest. There’s something so grounding and humbling about being surrounded by towering old growth trees. The things you’ll see along the way will leave you amazed. Mountains, waterfalls, rivers and wildlife are abundant and spectacular!

4EG: What do you miss most when you’re outside the PNW? 

JC: Whenever I leave the PNW, the thing I miss most is the nature and fresh air. The air quality while hiking through the forest is so crisp and refreshing, and it can easily be taken for granted, especially when your visiting a big city somewhere!

4EG: Favorite PNW activity?

JC: Favourite PNW activity has to be exploring new places, trying new local food and drinking local craft beer! So many amazing restaurants, breweries and trails!

4EG: Wildest PNW experience? 

JC: Wildest PNW experience has to be getting lost in Tofino while looking for an old plane crash! We went in the winter time and the trails were completely thrashed with mud and water. We got lost and ended up finding it just before it got dark then hiked back in the dark!

4EG: Best misconception you’ve heard about the PNW? 

JC: Biggest misconception I’ve heard about the PNW is that it rains all the time! We do get our fair share but there are tons of beautiful, sunny fall and winter days!

4EG: One thing you want the world to know about the PNW? 

JC: One thing I want the world to know about the PNW is how much we appreciate our wildlife and nature. If you do end up visiting our beautiful region and decide to hike or visit trails, please pack in and pack out and treat our land with respect!

Thank you to Jamie for sharing with us! Want to see more and keep up on his adventures? Follow him on IG @pnwmedia