Janelle boyd

For the 16th week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on Pacific Northwest native, mother and graphic designer, Janelle Boyd.

4EVRGRN: Hey Janelle, tell us a little about yourself.

JB: I was born and raised in Renton, WA. I believe in empowering our youth, and let them know that they too can own businesses. I bring my daughter to trade shows, etc. to expose her to the business. 

4EG: What makes the PNW unique? 

JB: PNW is unique because it's so laid back, yet so much opportunity! From our scenery, to the tech industry, and entrepreneurship, I feel that the PNW thrives! 

4EG: Where’s your favorite escape in the PNW? 

JB: My favorite escape in the PNW, would be into nature during the summer. Whether it be a hiking trail, paddle boarding on a lake, etc. 

4EG: Best meal in the PNW? 

JB: This is a hard one, I'm a foodie! Don't make me pick! However, I absolutely LOVE Toulouse Pettit Kitchen, over in Lower Queen Anne neighborhood. 

4EG: What’s the one thing anyone who visits must see or do? 

JB: They MUST experience our hiking trails, and the beauty that PNW has to offer! 

4EG: What do you miss most when you’re outside the PNW? 

JB: I miss the laid back vibe of the PNW! 

4EG: Favorite PNW activity? 

JB: Chillin' with family!  

4EG: Best local product? 

JB: Reign Creation, a Seattle born clothing line, check out my guy! @ReignCreation or www.reigncreationnclothing.com

If you or someone you know needs graphic design work. Visit Janelle at www.janelleboyddesign.com