Kacy Jones

For the 83rd week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY," we shine the spotlight on another influential individual from the PNW. Kacy Jones is a PNW fisher and family man who is sharing his adventures and encouraging others to get outdoors and spend quality time with their loved ones learning life skills.

4EVRGRN: Hey, KJ! Tell us a little about yourself.

KJ: Hi, My name is Kacy Jones. I was born and raised in Auburn, WA. I lived there for 26 years before moving to Zillah, WA. I’ve been here 12 years now. I have 4 kids, 3 boys, and 1 princess. We love the outdoors - camping and hiking. My wife is enrolled in the Yakama Nation so during part of certain seasons we gather food from the mountains like roots and huckleberries, but mostly you will find me fishing and exploring the PNW in my kayak. I like to fish in kayak bass tournaments and am a fishing blogger. I have a YouTube channel and an Instagram account that I document all my travels on.

1. What makes fishing in the PNW unique?
KJ: I think what makes PNW fishing unique, is there are so many different species. You have Salmon, Steelhead, Trout, Walleye, Panfish, and of course my favorite Bass.

2. One thing every PNWer does that you refuse to do?
KJ: I would say I don’t drink Starbucks coffee. I love all the activities that are available here.

3. What life skills can be learned through fishing?
KJ: Patients and not giving up. You aren’t always gonna get a bite especially with Bass, but that’s why it’s called fishing and not catching. It can be frustrating at times. So just that one catch makes it all worth it.

4. Favorite way to prepare a fresh catch?
KJ: I mainly catch and release, but when I do eat fish I like to marinate Salmon in a teriyaki mix or with walleye I use panko bread crumbs and fry it.

5. What makes fishing such a great family activity?
KJ: It makes you bond more and you get to pass down some knowledge. You get more of one on one connection and have intimate talks. That you should have with your kids and friends. Especially in this day in age of electronics.

6. Favorite place to escape in the PNW?
KJ: Anywhere in the mountains or near some water. You gotta be able to fish, but if I had to choose one it would be Potholes Lake.

7. Wildest PNW experience?
KJ: Hmmm! Theirs a lot. When I was 12 we used to jump off the Porters bridge in Auburn just to float the Green River 3 or 4 miles with no life jacket or inner tub to the footbridge. So we could jump off that bridge all day. Good times growing up here in the PNW.

Learn more about PNW fishing and keep up with the Joneses on YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCyakb8_RhcFSqGtUelR3PPw or on Instagram: @fishing_with_the_joneses/