For the 23rd week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on the big bossman, our Founder and Owner, Kevin Johnson @yoitskev253 . 

4EVRGRN: Hey KJ, tell us a little about yourself.

KJ: I’m a husband, father, son, music artist/producer and the founding owner of 4EVRGRN. I was born in Alaska and raised here in the PNW. I love my region and where I’m from, I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else! I’m excited to see what changes we will see in our region over the next few years. I started 4EVRGRN to showcase the “Elevated Casual” lifestyle that has been a part of the PNW for as long as I can remember! I hope to see you all wearing 1 piece from 4EVRGRN soon in the future!

Here's how Kev answered our 7 questions...

4EG: Best PNW childhood memory? 

KJ: It’s gotta be a toss up between sledding at Mount Baker and Lake days are Blodel Donovan during the summer.

4EG: Favorite PNW season? 

KJ: It’s gotta be summer, especially being near, at or on the water. Always a good time, I haven’t floated the river in a long time! 

4EG: Wildest PNW experience? 

KJ: Experiencing all 4 seasons in one day. It was snowing in Spokane, raining in Moses Lake, kind of Summery in Ellensburg and still November in Tacoma. Pretty neat actually.

4EG: Best misconception you’ve heard about the PNW?

KJ: That all it does is rain out here. That’s just not true, you can literally have every season in our region. 

4EG: One thing you want the world to know about the PNW? 

KJ: We are very easy to get along with. We are more than Pikes Place, The Space Needle and the Mariners/Seahawks. We are also Mount Rainier, Commencement Bay, Alki Beach, Mount St. Helens, and the great outdoors.

4EG: Favorite random PNW fact? 

KJ: Whatcom County has the cleanest air in the U.S.

4EG: One thing every PNWer does that you refuse to do? 

KJ: I refuse to be a “Starbucks” person. It’s still f&$k Starbucks on mines since the Sonics have been moved.