kristin sunshine

For the 25th week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on Mother, Finace, Independent Business Owner and DJ, Kristin Sunshine!  

4EVRGRN: Hey Kristin, tell us a little about yourself.

KS: Hey All! I am Kristin Sunshine. No that’s not my real last name, but after my divorce I wanted my name to reflect me and sunshine does just that. I am Washington born and raised and will never leave. I have been in the Olympia area for all of my 38 years on this planet. I have 3 super amazing kids and wouldn’t trade being a mother for anything. I currently have the best job ever with an amazing green and vegan skincare company. I have been able to build my business from home with Arbonne and am changing not only my life, but other people’s as well. And I can’t write a paragraph about myself without a shout-out to the man I fell in love with after heartbreak who showed me what real love and partnership is and changed my entire life in the process. My personal love DJ, Phuong (Pooji) Tran. 

KS: Here's How Kristin answered our 7 questions... 

4EG: Favorite PNW activity? 

KS: Exploring new places within WA state.

4EG: Best local product? 

KS: Nothing specific, but we have the best gluten free baked goods around here.

4EG: Favorite local artist (Music/Painter)? 

KS: Would it be crazy to say my 11 year old daughter? She is a crazy talented and I love her creativity.

4EG: Best PNW childhood memory? 

KS: Camping throughout various places with my family when I was a kid in our tent trailer.

4EG: Favorite PNW season? 

KS: Fall

4EG: Wildest PNW experience? 

KS: I don’t have wild experiences lol. I’m kind of a homebody

4EG: Best misconception you’ve heard about the PNW? 

KS: The rainy weather. Yes it does rain here. A lot, but nothing beats the views, the ocean and all the abundance of life.

Thank you to Kristin for sharing with us! If you're interested in learning more about her skin care business with Arbonne or want to know more in general. Head over to her Instagram page @hellokristinsunshine !