For the 163rd week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on another influential individual from the PNW. Anastasia Allison is the owner of Kula Cloth an innovative, luxurious pee cloth.

 4EVRGRN: Hey, AA! Tell us a little about yourselves.

AA: I'm Anastasia Allison, the founder of Kula Cloth. I'm a former park ranger turned full-time entrepreneur. I'm the violinist for The Musical Mountaineers and also the founder of a movement called 'The Dance Experiment'. I've been dancing for almost 530 days in a row - and I now host daily virtual dance parties through our online (fun) school, The Kula Academy. My absolute passion in life is helping people connect more deeply to themselves and the planet. I grew up with so many limiting beliefs about what was possible for me - and after a nearly fatal car accident, I woke up to the reality that I could create anything I wanted in life. There is nothing more important to me than bringing more love and kindness and a sense of belonging in this world to others. My husband's name is Aaron Allison, and he is the founder of Lake House Glass, a stained glass art studio. We live in Granite Falls with our 3 grey cats.  

For those who aren’t in the know, what/why a Kula cloth?

AA: A Kula Cloth is an antimicrobial pee cloth for anybody who squats when they pee. It is a reusable, leave no trace option for toilet paper (pee only!) that reduces waste and helps you stay clean and comfortable whenever you are out and about. Some people even use a Kula Cloth at home! 

Best trail in the PNW? 

AA: The Heather Pass/Maple Loop trail is an amazing mix of alpine lakes, jagged peaks and dramatic vistas. It's a perfect trail to make you feel small, yet connected, to our amazing planet. It's also an incredible hike in the fall when the larch trees turn bright yellow.  

What is your most popular cloth design?

AA: Our most popular design of all time is called 'Twinkle Tent' (although in retrospect, we should have called it 'Tinkle Tent' - ha!). It's a design that features twinkle lights and trees and tents and I think that it just represents the happiness that we all feel when we spend time outside.

Favorite PNW beach? 

AA: I love visiting Lake Ozette in Olympic National Park and hiking to Sand Point. The beach at Twanoh State Park on the Hood Canal is also really special to me because I was a Park Ranger at Twanoh State Park for 7.5 years. The Hood Canal is the warmest water in the Puget Sound and it's a perfect swimming spot in the summer.

What makes outdoors activities so unique in the PNW?

AA: The Pacific Northwest has a little bit of absolutely everything and some of the most spectacular and rugged places on our planet are literally in our backyard. I can be working from home in the morning and standing on the side of a glacier in the very same afternoon. The diversity and vastness of our landscape is something that I've never felt anywhere else. I still remember the first time I looked deep into the Cascades and saw how far the mountains stretched across the state. Washington has the ability to really connect you with a true feeling of infiniteness.  

What is something people visiting the PNW should see or do?

AA: Don't visit the Pacific Northwest without finding a way to simply spend some time outside. Visit the city, but make sure to find some time to get away from it all. Find a hike that is accessible for you and immerse yourself in it - don't just hike to get somewhere... hike to notice all of the beauty that is around you in every direction. Breathe in the fresh air and feel yourself as a little part of our living, breathing universe. The Pacific Northwest has a special way of connecting all of us with nature - and I think that everybody should experience that at least once.  Also, visit as many coffee stands as possible. 

Find Kula Cloth online at www.kulacloth.com and follow the adventures on IG/FB @kulacloth