Makieda Hart

For the 45th week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on a local family owned BBQ Sauce brand, looking to leave a good taste in the mouths of all PNWers. This is Makieda Hart, for SGT Hart’s BBQ Sauce!

4EVRGRN: Hey Makieda, tell us a little about yourself.

MH: I am a bold, positive, worthy, influencer. I am a nurturer who loves to encourage people. I am a passionate scholar who loves learning something new. I am a fearless strong-willed adventurer who loves to take on a challenge. Some may even say I make things happen. I married my high school Sweethearts and both products of military families. Hubby was a Sergeant in the Army stationed and retired at JBLM and we have 4 children (our oldest is a WA Nat’l Guard Veteran. We are originally from Alaska.

We are currently working on building our brand and fan base. To prepare for our ultimate short term goal of having distribution and restaurant/grocery contracts so that our customers can have readily access to our brand at their local stores. We are also preparing for area farmers markets and the biggest food show in the PNW in August (NW Food Show in Portland, OR)

Here's How Makieda answered our 7 questions... 

4EG: What makes the PNW unique? 

MH: The PNW is filled with alot of diversity. I grew up in the melting pot that is Anchorage, Alaska and it was too landlocked for me. Washington opens up more adventure and opportunity!

4EG: Where’s your favorite escape in the PNW? 

MH: The wine country - Leavenworth in the summertime.

4EG: Best Meal in the PNW? 

MH: Ricardo’s in Olympia - Petite filet mignion best atmosphere, wine, and staff

4EG: What’s the one thing anyone who visits must see or do? 

MH: Mariner’s Baseball games are the best!

4EG: What do you miss most when you’re outside the PNW? 

MH: The amazing  greenery of the Spring/Summer/Fall

4EG: Favorite PNW activity? 

MH: We are mostly home bodies. So I would say hanging and cook out with friends while playing games. However if I had to go out, I would say cruising the south sound on a gorgeous sunny day with no time restrictions and a full tank of gas- is the best.

4EG: Best local Product? 

MH: SGT Hart’s BBQ Sauce (our product) & Ila’s Foods Jams, Jellies, Relishes

Wanna know more about SGT Hart's BBQ? Want to try some for yourself? You can find them at: 

  • Heritage Meats in Rochester, WA (off Exit 88 which is the exit for Great Wolf Lodge)

  • Delmonico’s Heritage Butcher in Olympia, WA

  • Masonry Cafe & Catering in Yelm, WA

  • Local Farmers Markets in Tumwater, Chehalis, Puyallup, and more TBD

To Order online visit : or find them on IG @SGT_Harts_BBQSauce