robert oliver

For the 36th week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on another influential individual from the PNW. He’s a husband, father, the founder and owner of Kev’s favorite supplement company The Genius Brand and Federal Way native. This is Robert Oliver!

4EVRGRN: Hey Robert, tell us a little about yourself.

RO: Born & Raised in Federal Way, dedicated entrepreneur looking for opportunities to make a difference in this world. I'm on a journey to find the absolute best version of myself and to spur the same commitment in others. I place an emphasis on mindfulness & gratitude in all facets of my life. Founder @ The Genius Brand !

Here's How Robert answered our 7 questions... 

4EG: Best meal in the PNW? 

RO: Beef Wellington @The Dining Room (Salish Lodge) 1B. Acai Bowl @ HB Beverage Co 

4EG: What’s the one thing anyone who visits must see or do? 

RO: Get out for a hike either in North Bend Area or Mount Rainier.

4EG: What do you miss most when you’re outside the PNW? 

RO: The energy

4EG: Favorite PNW activity? 

RO: Hiking & the Yoga.

4EG: Wildest PNW experience? 

RO: It’s not so much one single experience but it’s been the process of being a witness to the rise of Amazon. Seeing the takeover of downtown Seattle & the Eastside has been an unprecedent peak of capitalism and it’s happening in our backyard. It’s something the history books will talk about.  I also went to the NFC Championship game against Green Bay where Russel Wilson overcame 4 interceptions to win the game in overtime. Nothing like that. We’ve been very blessed with great sports.

4EG: Best misconception you’ve heard about the PNW? 

RO: It rains a lot. I think that’s an overstatement. The frequent grey is the bigger issue.

4EG: One thing you want the world to know about the PNW? 

RO: It’s greatest region in the world & I mean that!

Want to learn more about Robert? Want to know more about The Genius Brand? Click their names for more!!