Shelby oxley

For the 2nd week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on Hairstylist Shelby Oxley

4EG: Hello Shelbs, tell us a little about yourself.

SO: Born in the 206, Raised in the 360, Educated in the 509, First Apartment in the 425!

Currently residing in downtown Vancouver, Washington near Portland with my husband Barry and our little house panther Cecil. I'm 112% dedicated to my craft as a hairstylist and educator. I've built my brand, The Rad Stylist, over the past 3 years and love the direction it's headed, but being an entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart. My passion for hair has taken me to the sets of photo shoots, commercials, TV shows and even a Disney movie to date. I love the PNW beyond measure and couldn't dream of working or living in any other place. I’m just your average otter loving, sarcastic, cat mom with an affinity for concerts, traveling, and craft beer. What better place than the PNW for that?! 

Here is how Shelby answered our 7 questions...

4EG: What’s your best PNW childhood memory? 

SO: Camping with my cousins and exploring the forests near the base of Mount Rainier. My Papa Curt would buy us donuts for breakfast and then let us wander all day while he was usually taking a nap. We're lucky none of us got seriously hurt or swept away in glacier cold rivers, but that's beside the point. The only downside to camping with Papa Curt was eating potted meat sandwiches for lunch. 🤢

4EG: What is your favorite PNW season? 

SO: Summer, hands down! I love being near the water on those extra hot days. There is nothing better than some river time in the PNW.

4EG: What has been your wildest PNW experience? 

SO: The college years at Washington State University, especially with my 2Low girls! GO COUGS!

4EG: What is the best misconception you’ve heard about the PNW? 

SO: Bigfoot lives here! Nah, but honestly I can't really think of much for this other than the constant rain everyone thinks we get, which we all know isn't the case. It's currently snowing in the month of March! haha

4EG: One thing you want the world to know about the PNW? 

SO: We have some ridiculously dope concert venues and views. If you've never taken in a concert at the Gorge Amphitheater you are seriously missing out!

4EG: What is your favorite random PNW fact? 

SO: Seventy-seven workers died during the construction of the Grand Coulee Dam. It is rumored that bodies were buried in the dam but Washington State has vehemently denied this to be true. (I've read many accounts to the contrary.)

4EG: One thing every PNWer does that you refuse to do? 

SO: Drink or eat pumpkin spice flavored things. I love pumpkin pie but the rest is garbage IMHO, but you do you boo!

Stay real, stay rad. xo-Shelbs

We are extremely grateful to Shelby for being the feature of the week "7 Question Sunday"! Everyone look out for her! You may see some 4EVRGRN Gear on her while she is out and about!