Tiffany Palu

For the 59th week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on an individual who loves to travel and wants to show you the world! This is Tiffany Palu of You Are Poetry Designs!

4EVRGRN: Hey TP, tell us a little about yourself.

TP: Hey everyone! My name is Tiffany Palu and I’m currently a SAHM to two little girls, Lilu, 3 and Ezili, 1. I own and singlehandedly operate a small business out of my home in Snohomish called You Are Poetry Designs. I make handmade goods using the beautiful nature that the PNW has to offer! Once the pandemic hit I needed something to do with all this extra time I suddenly had so I picked up the craft of working with resin. I had seen a few things online in the past and being an artistic person, I decided to give it a go. I started with a few bookmarks and when asking my family and friends if they would be interested in them, the response was overwhelming! I asked my husband, Paul, if I should go for it and he supported me to dive in and see what happens! So, flash forward to now - I have a website, Instagram and Facebook page where I promote and sell my work. I’ve been to a few local farmers markets and I still search the beautiful PNW that’s as close as my backyard for inspiration. I mostly make journals, bookmarks, coasters and other miscellaneous items with resin but I have also started making Soy Candles! All of my vessels for my candles are repurposed items that I’ve found at a local thrift shop or have recycled on my own. You should check out my website if you get a chance!

HEre’s how Tiffany answered our 7 questions:

4EG: Best meal in the PNW?

TP: I would have to say Seattle Dogs. Especially the stands that are on the streets of downtown. There’s nothing like one of those after a long night out.

4EG: What’s the one thing anyone who visits must see or do?

TP: The Fremont troll is usually a must and of course Pike Place Market.

4EG: What do you miss most when you’re outside the PNW?

TP: The fresh air and the smell of the trees and how green everything is. Every time I come home from a trip, I take a deep breath outdoors and it’s just like a big “ahhhh! Home!”

4EG: Favorite PNW activity?

TP: I love checking out all the little shops in the different neighborhoods and Burroughs like Wallingford, Greenlake, The Ave, Downtown Snohomish, etc. They have the best local artists work, vintage shops, and hole-in-the-wall eateries.

4EG: Wildest PNW experience?

TP: My first-time hiking Rattlesnake Ridge! Once you get to the top the view is just ridiculous. Like how many trees and how clear the sky is - It almost looks fake. It truly was wild just for the sheer beauty of it all. That was my first PNW hike being a California girl born and raised.

4EG: Best misconception you’ve heard about the PNW?

TP: We’re vampires like in Twilight, everyone is depressed, it rains all 365 days of the year and that everyone is “grungy.” Which is hilarious because the amount of different styles and cultures out here is way more than I was ever exposed to growing up in California.

4EG: One thing you want the world to know about the PNW?

TP: Our coastline is one of the most beautiful things you’ll ever see. The people here are super nice and if you ever come to visit make sure to get some coffee from a local barista - not just Starbucks.

Thank you to Tiffany for sharing with us! Be sure to visit her website and on Instagram @youarepoetrydesigns