tor caspersen

For the 43rd week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on another influential individual from the PNW. An Washington native, Music educator, sound engineer, musician and the host of #CaseoftheMondays . This is Tor Caspersen!

4EVRGRN: Hey Tor, tell us a little about yourself.

TC: Tacoma born and raised. I started music at age 4 with classical violin, and a few years of choir and jazz guitar, and a degree in sound technology later, I'm now combining all of those talents with beat making along my musical journey. Right now I'm focused on connecting with people and growing my music show #CaseOfTheMondays

Here's How Tor answered our 7 questions... 

4EG: Best PNW childhood memory? 

TC: I was 12 years old when I truly realized how beautiful our surroundings are- Mt. Rainier, the trees, the pacific coast... we're blessed to have such inspiring things around us.

4EG: Favorite PNW season? 

TC: Summer, for sure. Winter is dope because that means songwriting season, but the seasonal depression hits hard when I'm locked in the studio for weeks on end.

4EG: Wildest PNW experience? 

TC: I feel like our outdoor raves (we call them "renegades" now) are some of the wildest, I got invited out to a WA state forestation preserve where someone had set up a full on festival run off generators... we brought up artists from Oregon and California and were dropping mad beats for 2 days straight.

4EG: Best misconception you’ve heard about the PNW? 

TC: All of "Seattle's" most talented artists are not actually from Seattle. Shout out to Aberdeen, Bellingham, Tacoma, Lakewood, and all the unsung rural areas that incubate the talent our area is historically known for.

4EG: One thing you want the world to know about the PNW? 

TC: When people say that "yeah maybe" they will do something, it usually means "i don't want to let you down now, so i'll just say yes and flake out later." That's what "Seattle freeze" really means in my experience.

4EG: Favorite random PNW fact? 

TC: We average 152 days of rain every year, but have one of the lowest rates of umbrella ownership per capita.

4EG: One thing every PNWer does that you refuse to do? 

TC: Pumpkin Spice anything is not on my menu and probably never will be.


Wanna know more about Tor and his art? Wanna know more about #CaseOfTheMondays You can find him on Instagram @beatsbytor !