Tribu Physical Therapy

For the 192nd week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on another influential individual from the PNW. Dr. Mary Gelder is the owner of Tribu Physical Therapy, a mobile physical therapy practice.

4EVRGRN: Hey, MG! Tell us a little about yourselves.

MG: I was born and raised in the beautiful Finger Lakes region of Upstate NY. I've been active all my life and with that came dealing with my own injuries. In high school, I tore both of my ACLs (two separate times because I'm awesome) which gave me my first experience in the world of physical therapy. Reflecting back, I feel very fortunate to have had that experience because it gave me deeper insight into the mental battles that come with injury recovery - grief, loss of identity, fear, and the like. As a result, I am able to connect with my patients in a more meaningful way. Flash forward to today: I love keeping runners running, outdoor adventurers adventuring, and teaching female-bodied athletes about the power of their periods and arm them with proper exercise & performance strategies so they can feel empowered and strong!

How did you decide to take a PT practice mobile?

MG: Honestly, it was the most accessible way to start treating my own patients. Tribu Physical Therapy started in 2021 as a side hustle while I worked for a corporate physical therapy practice. As of April 2023, I'm happy to say that I am now 100% all in with Tribu and will be offering non-mobile appointments out of a gym space very soon! Stay tuned ;)

What is one thing you wish everyone would do for better mobility?

MG: That everyone got screened by a PT annually for preventative care and wellness. Everyone has different mobility needs, so getting individualized exercises gives you the best information for how to care for your own body.

Who is your ideal client?

MG: I specialize in treating running injuries, female-bodied athletes, and hikers/outdoor adventurers.

Tell us more about lymphatic drainage therapy (LDT).

MG: How much time do we have?? In a nutshell, it's a specialized massage technique that is very light pressure to target the lymphatic system. This system influences everything in our body! It's the transportation highway for our immune system, helps clear inflammation/toxins/swelling, transports vital nutrients and hydration throughout our body, and is connected with the "rest and digest" side of our nervous system which helps reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. I offer LDT as a standalone service. I also incorporate it into PT treatment sessions when needed. It can be done over clothing or directly on the skin depending on patient comfort levels.

Favorite place to enjoy free time in the PNW?

MG: Anywhere in the mountains!

Favorite local wellness product?

MG: Mad Ritual's CBD Recovery Rub (in the Lavender + Frankincense scent)

Favorite way to move your body while enjoying the outdoors?

MG: Trail running or hiking. I also love looking around trying to ID all the things - fungi, trees, plants, rocks, birds. Give me all the field guides!

Learn more about Tribu PT at

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