Whitney Mason

For the 104th week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on another influential individual from the PNW. Whitney Mason is one half of the hosts of Twin...ish podcast.

4EVRGRN: Hey, WM! Tell us a little about yourselves.

WM: I am Whitney Mason, MSN, RN. I am a labor and delivery nurse at Auburn Family Birth Center. I am also a wife and mother of 5. In my spare time, I like couponing, crafting, and eating.

What led you to start Twin…Ish podcast?

WM: I was the musician for my sister during her fundraising concert back in January. During the concert, she needed a little down time to drink some water and get herself together, so I decided to do some talking. This led to the typical banter that comes easily for us, and many of the concert livestream viewers thought it would be a good idea for us to have a regular show. Since people think we are twins (even though we're 3 years apart), Twin... Ish Podcast was born.

How does the PNW inspire you?

WM: The green and the water are the most inspirational parts of the PNW for me. I lived in El Paso, TX for several years, and would come back to the PNW to visit family. Every time, it was nature and walking among the trees that really brought peace to me regardless of what was happening in my life.

Favorite local product?

WM: Bee King's Raw Honey. I never even liked honey before I tried them at the Puyallup Fair a couple of years ago (yes, I still call it that). They convinced me to try it...I've been using it in tea and smoothies (and giving it to my kids for allergies) ever since.

What is something other PNW people do that you refuse to?

WM: Leave my umbrella at home. I've spent half of my childhood and most of my adult life in Washington State....and I will still carry my umbrella in the rain (even sprinkles). Don't @ me. I don't care. :)

Favorite family friendly PNW activity?

WM: Rocky and Bullwinkle's family fun center. It literally has something for every age of family members. I can't wait to go back (I'm not comfortable going out with the 3 year old yet)

What do you miss the most when you’re traveling outside the PNW?

WM: If I'm just visiting somewhere else, I miss family. (My parents and all 6 of my siblings/their families live in WA). If I'm moving, I miss how cheap cherries and blackberries are. (because they grow on the side of the road/in my parents' backyard....so they're free. lol)

Wildest PNW experience?

WM: For my first anniversary, my husband and I went kayaking on Alkai beach and then took a ferry up to Orcas Island to do some whale watching....that's about as wild as I get here. Unless you count the night rides/road trips on the back of my hubby's Harley.

Follow, listen, or watch Twin...ish on IG and FB @twinishpodcast and SoundCloud.