WinkWink Boutique

For the 76th week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on another influential individual from the PNW. Jenn Mason is a certified sex coach and owner of WinkWinkBoutique!

4EVRGRN: Hey, JM! Tell us a little about yourself.

JM: Hi, Iā€™m Jenn Mason, owner of WinkWink Boutique and certified sex coach. WinkWink is a woman-owned, all-ages, inclusive sex shop in Bellingham, WA. We also offer sex coaching, community education classes, and private workshops.

1) What does it mean to be a sex coach, there must be many misconceptions about your field?

A sex coach helps people identify and reach their goals around sex, intimacy, and relationships. That might include re-connecting sexually with a partner, dealing with issues around sex drive, exploring new relationship types, or learning how to release sexual shame and stigma. It's talk-only; sometimes people think I'm more "active" as a coach...we're not.

2. How has WinkWink been received?

WinkWink is lucky to be in a community where we've been welcomed and supported. We have the most wonderful customers!

3)What is one of the common hurdles couples in the PNW seek your services for?

Trouble with orgasms. Stress, lack of communication, and age can impact how our bodies respond to pleasure. Luckily, there is a LOT you can do about that.

4) What advice would you give to someone hesitant to come into your shop?

We know it can feel awkward to talk about sex or ask questions, but it's completely normal for our staff. We've heard it all and we're never judgey about people's desires. It's also okay not to know very much about sex toys. Most of us didn't grow up talking about sex; you're not expected to know everything, that's what we're here for.

5) Favorite local artist?

We hosted Oliver Sebren's show, "Love Letters to the Trans Community" last year and it was wonderful. Oliver is a queer trans painter and I really admire the work they do. You can follow them on Instagram at oblaire_art.

Favorite place to escape in the PNW?

6) Port Orchard, on the Olympic Peninsula, where I grew up. My parents still live in my childhood home and I love being there.

7) Best meal in the PNW?

Ambo Ethiopian Cuisine in downtown Bellingham. Hands down.

People can shop WinkWink boutique online at You can learn more about WinkWink Boutique on their socials, IG/FB: winkwinkboutique